Course Content
Selenium Python First Script
Selenium Python First Script
HTML Form elements
HTML Form elements
Handle HTML Frames
Handle HTML Frames
Handling Dropdown Lists
Handling Dropdown Lists
Selenium Action class
Selenium Action class
Selenium Python for Beginners [ 2024 ]
About Lesson

Selenium Features 

Some of the key Selenium Features are as follows:

  • Open-Source
  • Cross Platform
  • Multi Programming languages support
  • Native Browser Interaction

Selenium is a cross-platform tool that supports multiple operating systems like Windows, Linux, and MacOS.


Selenium cross platform


Selenium Supported Platforms and Browsers:

  • Windows operating system:
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Internet Explorer
    • Opera
    • Seamonkey
  • Linux operating system:
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Google Chrome
    • Konqueror
  • Mac OS X:
    • Safari
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Camino
    • Seamonkey

Selenium is widely used in IT Industry for:

  • Web Functional Testing
  • Browser Compatibility Testing

Web Application Functional Testing: We can use Selenium to create regression tests to verify application functionality and user acceptance testing.

Browser Compatibility Testing: We can test the application to see if it works correctly on different browsers and operating systems. The same test script can run on any Selenium platform.

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