Course Content
Selenium Python First Script
Selenium Python First Script
HTML Form elements
HTML Form elements
Handle HTML Frames
Handle HTML Frames
Handling Dropdown Lists
Handling Dropdown Lists
Selenium Action class
Selenium Action class
Selenium Python for Beginners [ 2024 ]
About Lesson

Create Python Project

In this lesson, you will create Python project in Eclipse. A Python automation project allows creating scripts or programs to perform repetitive tasks automatically, without human intervention, using the Python language.


Launch Eclipse IDE.

Choose the following menu option:

File >> New >> Project

Select the PyDev Project and click on the Next > button.

PyDev Python Project

Give a name to the project.

Select Python interpreter. You can auto configure the Python interpreter or select the custom one on the machine.

Create New PyDev Project

Click on the Next > button.

Click on the Finish button to create the Python project.

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